Monday, January 30, 2012


Warrior Over Washington!
Rom breaks Brandy Clark and Steve Jackson out of jail. He then flies to Washington, DC where his Neutralizer is being held by the Wraiths at Project Safeguard. He is attacked by fighter jets for flying over DC. Rom wins. He is then abducted by Wraiths. Meanwhile, Steve is replaced by a Wraith Doppelganger. Uh Oh!

Favorite Panels:
Nothing too great this issue.

Is that like a Slow Cooker?
I really should have been keeping track of how many times the phrase "Death-Ray" is used. Another regret.

"It lies in that direction." Seriously, Brandy?

The ejected pilot just cracks me up.

Rom Spaceknight?

I just had my mind blown by Polar Banana Seltzer. I drank a liter in 5 minutes. Uncontrollable forces were at play.

Sorry if you were expecting something good in this section.

1 comment:

  1. Picked this up yesterday! Love ROM. Sentimental favorite. Glad to see the Spaceknights returning in the current run of Avengers.
