As I Lay Dying |
In the aftermath of Rom's fight with the Dogs of the Dark Nebula, he collapses.
Steve Jackson is working desperately to revive the fallen cyborg. State trooper and friend, Artie Packer (not to be confused with Archie Stryker), arrives on the scene to talk to Steve about some things that didn't add up on the highway last night (Firefall being taken away by "government officials" (Dire Wraiths)). He is surprised to find Steve helping Rom. After a short talk, he agrees to help Steve bring the unconscious Rom to the Pharmaceutical Laboratory where Brandy Clark works. Steve tries to work on Rom with the superior equipment of the lab. Some living plants are sent by the Wraiths to attack. They kill Artie Packer. Rom finally wakes up and saves the day.
Oh yeah, the Dire Wraiths have stolen Rom's neutralizer from Steve's unattended shop.
Favorite Panels:
This issue was kind of a low point for good panels.
"He once held his opponents wife's hand in jar of acid at a party." |
This is the panel where Artie Packer dies. Watch as the life screams out of him.
Is this vegan friendly? |
Even sentient plant life is no match for Rom.
O.J. Simpson |
The highlight may have been this boot ad featuring pre-sketchy O.J. Simpson.
It's up in the air whether Rom is dead for the bulk of this issue. Fortunately for us, and his ongoing series, he's alive. Poor Artie Packer dies though. Too bad for him!
Death is an unavoidable part of life. Everyone dies-- it's just a matter of when. Will you die with regret in your dying heart? After 200 years of fighting the good fight Rom is down and luckily he gets a second chance to continue his fight. Had he died then, I don't think he would have had any regrets. Artie Packer on the other hand: "Why did I come to this lab with Steve and this stupid robot!?" It just goes to show you that there's no telling when you're going to die. Or, when a mob of angry walking plants are going to attack.
Your life is held equally in your own hands and the hands of others.
I don't want to die with regret haunting my last moments.
Keep fighting the good fight.